Paul Marks

Managing Director, Change Works

Leadership and Management | Psychology, Leadership, Coaching

Paul Marks


Get ready to be inspired and empowered by Paul Marks, a seasoned business owner, entrepreneur, and ultra-runner with an extraordinary track record in international business and leadership. With over 25 years of experience, Paul has dedicated the last 15 years to transforming leaders and teams from over 55 countries through his impactful retreats and game-changing development programs. As a disruptor in the learning and development industry, he creates immersive learning journeys that revolutionize traditional approaches, promoting self-directed learning tailored to the fast-paced demands of the modern business landscape. With a strong foundation in evidence-based strategies, Paul combines scientific insights with practical wisdom, delivering tangible results that transform workplaces. Prepare to be energized by his infectious optimism and immerse yourself in his safe and engaging learning environments where connections are forged, opinions are valued, and extraordinary growth happens.